Hope Valley Fire's Annual Awards Night
By Hope Valley - Wyoming Fire District
March 26, 2023

Last evening was the Hope Valley Wyoming Fire District awards banquet held at the Haversham House in Westerly Congratulations to this year's award recipients!

5 years of service to HVWFD: Firefighters Rick Bawden, DJ McGouran
20-years service/Life membership: Firefighter Codi Caswell
60 years service: Lieutenant Bill Day (you read that right, 60!)

Special service award: Joe Godbout

Dedicated to the community award: Camp Yawgoog

Junior firefighter of the year: Firefighter Gracie Vuono

Community service award: Lieutenant Phil
Burdick, Firefighter Brian Mayer

Joseph Brusseau rookie of the year: Firefighter Garrett Kemble

Stanley Napper dedicated service award: Lieutenant Matt Heroux

Robert Stanley volunteer of the year: Firefighter Brennan Reynolds

Arthur Stanley firefighter of the year: Captain Phil Tretton